Total OneX Build Time: 1163.0 hours
End in Sight
MEL Achievement Unlocked On Thursday and Friday last week I completed my multi-engine training and passed the checkride. I’m now multi-engine certified. This is mostly so I can start training for second in command in Elite Flights Jets’ Eclipse Jet for charter flights. Exhaust Wrapping A couple builders suggested insulating... -
Waitng For Rivets
The wings are on hold while I wait for rivets. So in the mean time… Pitot/Static/AOA Dynon’s installation kit for the Pitot/Static/AOA is quite convenient. They use fasteners where you simply push the platic tubing in, and it’s sealed. At least I hope it is. So I ran all the... -
Cherry Fairing Balloons
Charter Flights I complete my first charter flight as a captain, taking a couple from Las Vegas to Page AZ. Then I did two more flights this week. It was fun, but left less time to work on the OneX. CherryMax Rivets The CherryMax rivets arrived over the weekend. These... -
Rivet Ramble
Wing Rivet Hole Prep Tedium of preparing all the wing skin hole has been continued and completed. Whew! You can see in the picture how the front half of the holes are dimpled. Unfortunately, the copper clecos kept popping out of these dimpled holes. This was the clue #1 of... -
Tips and Dimples
Wing Tips The fiberglass wing tips are over-sized, as usual. I ended up cutting 8” off the end to get maximum clearance through my garage door. A metal strip is added to the inside of the fiberglass to add strength. Still, there’s no significant structure holding the tips on… maybe...