Total OneX Build Time: 1163.0 hours
First Flights
Video Here is a compilation video of the first two test flight days. More detail is provided in the blog below. Jan 24, 2018 - Preparation With the airworthiness certificate in hand, there was no reason to wait. I asked Denny Myrick and Dennis Smith, both Sonex builders, if they’d... -
Red Tape
Registration Registration finally arrived in the mail on Jan 17th. On the same day, I filled out all my airworthiness application paperwork and sent it to Ted (the DAR - Designated Airworthiness Representative). He pointed out several errors; most notably my tail numbers. According to the FARs, they must be... -
To the Airport
Tweaks My family has been laughing at me as I work on my completed plane. Even though the build is complete, there’s still work to be done people! Paperwork - The FAA sent back part of my registration application because of a silly mistake I made. I fixed it and... -
Build Completed
The Onex is Done! Time for champagne! Here’s a quick walkaround of the finished plane: Weighing A required step in applying for airworthiness is calculating weight and balance. Fellow EAA chapter 538 member, Chris Rute, has some precise scales ment for race cars. He was kind enough to bring them... -
Xmas Wrapping
No, not wrapping presents yet. Vinyl wrapping is has been this weeks activity. But first… Charter Flight I piloted another charter flight last Thursday. KSDL (Sottsdale) -> KLAX (Los Angeles) -> KLAS (Las Vegas) -> KSGU (St. George, UT) -> KSDL. Long day, great for flying. Sedona Hike On Friday,...