Total OneX Build Time: 1163.0 hours
Getting the Hang of It
Tristan comes into my shop with a Lego he just built. Tristan: “Isn’t this a cool Lego Dad?” Me: “Yeah, it is! It looks like a plane with a big gatling gun on the front.” Tristan: “Yeah. I want you to have it to help you build your plane. If... -
Tailwheel Achievement Unlocked
That’s right. I got my tailwheel endorsement. That means when I finish building this plane, which may be several months from now, I can fly it. Rock on! This afternoon, without help to put the engine back on the bench, I started on a different tail parts. It bothersome to... -
Waiting Game
Working on the rear tail spar, I came to the point where I need some bolts, aviation grade bolts, but I couldn’t find them anywhere in the kit supplies. Called Sonex. Finally figured out the the aviation hardware comes in a seperate kit from a third party. We found the... -
Horizontal Tail
First aluminum part complete! First, following EAA’s helpful hint, I set up to be a part for the the tail front spar. Once everything was all set up (see first picture) the actual bending was almost too easy. This desired angle is 22.3° with 1/2” radius. The first bend I... -
Now that I have the plans, and the engine is waiting on parts, I have nothing to stop be from building the rest of the plane…. except my lack of know-how. So I read a book this weekend. Kit Airplane Construction” by Ronald J. Wanttaja. It was great. I learned...