Total OneX Build Time: 1163.0 hours
Parts and More Parts
Built a bunch more parts today. Then I began assembly of the right side of the fuselage box. That when I realized that I didn’t build near enough parts. The fuselage box calls for multiple brackets and other parts that I had only build one of each. Doh! So back... -
Forward Fuselage Begins
The body hammers and dollies kit arrives this weekend. I applied the tools best I could. Although the hammers definitely shaped the metal, the metal became thinner and took on subtly concave shapes, not to mention lot of tiny dents. So I ordered new skins. They should arrive by Friday.... -
Expensive Mistake :.(
sigh It was time to work on the turtle deck, the round cover over the top of the rear fuselage. That plans here had some general instruction which I found very crytic. I read them half a dozen times and couldn’t make much sense of them. What I did wrong... -
On one of the rear bulkheads, pulleys are used to lead cables to the rudder. These are detailed in the control assebly part of the plans. They note that access to the pulleys is easier while the fuselage is being assembled, so I looked it up. Although only two pulleys... -
Foiled by the Plans
Arg! Following the plans to my best interpretation, I started drilling holes into those side braces. After drilling 3 of them, it felt wrong….again. I stopped, and re-examined the assembly, and concluded that they should be inline with the longerons. That make more sense. If only the plans had a...