Total OneX Build Time: 1163.0 hours
Turtledeck Finished
First, I took apart the whole turtledeck assembly. I deburred and cleaned all the parts, reassembled everything, and riveted, and riveted some more. Finally, it’s all done. There are some minor indentations from rivets where the interior formers didn’t push all the way up to the skin. Despite my efforts... -
Turtle Deck Take 2
Yesterday, I got started on the new turtle deck skins. The first step is to attach them to the splice channel. You can see them in the first picture all cleanup up and ready to rivet. Sonex built such a nice crate to ship the skins that I felt bad... -
Young Eagles
Today, I volunteered for Young Eagles. A bunch of EAA members came to Glendale airport to fly a bunch of enthusiastic kids in small GA aircraft. Below are pictures of the three groups I flew. What a blast! Yesterday I finished up the left side of the fuselage box. -
Fuselage Box Sides
The right side of the forward fuselage box has been riveted today. Looks nice. The same process is applied to the left side. A bit repetative but it’s going much faster since all the parts are ready and I’ve done it before. It’s all clecoed and updrilled ready for cleaning... -
Right Box Panel
Knocked out all the missing parts this morning. Rote manual labor. With all the parts required for the fuselage box side panels, I proceeded to dill hundreds of holes into the longerons and vertical struts. These have been updrilled and are ready for deburring/riveting tomorrow. The top left longeron called...