Total OneX Build Time: 1163.0 hours
Rough Riveting
All the solid rivets in the main spar have been bucked. I can honestly say that I prefer the pull rivets over the solid rivets any day. Why? Bucking rivets is strenuous. I began on Friday and it started fun. But after a few dozen, my elbow was sore from...
I Dilled, I Deburred...
I drilled. I deburred. I got a repetitive stress injury. At least I suspect I am. It’s the deburring. It puts a lot of pressure on the center of my palm and I think it’s the cause of a loss of sensitivity in my fingers in the last couple of...
This Spar is a Bear
Yesterday… I tried to decipher the plans and figure out how all the inboard spar pieces fit together. In my head I had expected the spar to be just one or two long pieces of beefy metal. Not so. There’s got to be thirty pieces or so. Once assembled they...
Hundreds of Holes
Friday was a busy day and I only got to work 4 hours fabricating parts for the main spar. This morning I fabricated about 8 more parts. Then the main spar webs. These are 2 long, heavy pieces of aluminum that provide the main structure of the main spar. They...
What a Mess
Three hours after beginning work I had everything cleaned up. The fiberglass mold I laid out yesterday came off the plane very nicely. The plane is not glued together in terrible ways… whew! But boy was it a mess. Wax, silicon film, clay, and epoxy all over the place. These...