Total OneX Build Time: 1163.0 hours
In the Mean Time
Started the day with another tailwheel lesson in a Piper Super Cub (see picture below). We practiced “3-point ladings”, where all three wheels touch the ground at the same time. Accoring to my instructor, Larry, this is the default or preferred landing technique in tail draggers. It feels a bit... -
Progress on Engine
Finally! I did some real assembly of the engine today. 1) First thing in the morning, as I was preparing breakfast for my family, I put the timing gear and prop hub to bake in the oven. The crankshaft assembly went seamlessly. The icy cold crankshaft came out of the... -
Paint & Crankshaft Prep
Had another flight lesson this morning to work on my tail dragger endorsement. I greased the first landing (that’s good), but the second and third indicate I need more practice. The paint for the engine casing had’nt arrived yet so I started on the crankshaft assembly. Turns out the crankshaft... -
Engine Casing Prep
Still no planes for construction. So I’ve begun the engine assembly. First step, wash the engine casing. Debris is left in the casing due to final machining. Washed it out with soapy water and compressed air. Second, prepare to paint the casing. Cool. I get to make the engine look... -
Composites Last Day
Second and last day of the composites workshop. The instructor, Scott Vanderveen is an inspriting guy. Every other tool he pulls out is a tool he built himself. Like a hot wire CNC machine, 3D printed molds and rigs, temperature sensor/switch… It makes me excited to build my own tools...