Total OneX Build Time: 1163.0 hours
Main Gear
On to a task for which I have the parts: the main gear. Based on advise from fellow Sonex builders I upgraded the brakes to Sonex’s AeroConversion hydraulics. The first pic shows the intimidating amount of parts for the brakes. To my surprise, it all came together quite simply. So... -
Bolted Box & Missing Hardware
Blog Improvements I’llbe the first to adminst that navigating this blog has been burdensome. So I added some Next/Previous links to each page. And the home page was getting VERY long, transferring far more bits than needed. So I paginated the blog listing. This blog runs on GitHub Pages using... -
Deburring The Box
I wish I had enough interesting information to blog every day, but despite the last 17 hours of effort over the last two days, I’ve only got one new picture for you. This is the fuselage box all updrilled, deburred, and ready to rivet/bolt. Lots of bolts are called out... -
Skeleton In The Box
I made all the angles and ribs for the fuselage box. It’s a matter of assembling them all now. Not so easy. All the plans are in 2 dimensions, while the real plane is in three dimensions, obviously. The plans try to make up for this by showing multiple vantage... -
Framing the Box
The box floor is drilled and clecoed to the walls. All three of those parts are clecoed to the tail. Now there are a dozen or so beams and angles to add strength and rigidity to the structure. That means more sawing, grinding, and polishing. In the second picture you...