Total OneX Build Time: 1163.0 hours
Fired Up!
Fired up the engine for the first time today. Below there’s a video of the event recorded by my son Luka. Preparation Adding fuel 1/2 gallons at a time, I marked the fuel level on the tank up to 3 gallons. Sitting in the plane, I can only see up... -
Fuel Flow
Lots of little things done this past week, however the most consuming task was measuring fuel flow. Most experimental aircraft accidents occur in the first few hours of flight due to fuel flow problems. So it’s important to test it. Here’s how it works. Convention says that an engine needs... -
Power Up!
Lo and behold… after five+ days of wiring, when I turned on the master switch for the first time, the avionics came alive! The prep work I did, planning and drawing the electrical schematic, was invaluable. The actually wiring, although detailed and time consuming, wasn’t as hard as I feared.... -
Chaos! So many components. So many wires. So little room. Cutting our the instrument panel was not as bad as I feared. The only tools I required was the Dremmel cutting wheel, drill bits, and files. I think it turned out simple and quite user friendly. That carbon fiber vinyl... -
Oil and Water
Oil Separator My kit came with an oil separator, the black cylinder attached to the firewall. It’s possible I added it to my order as an extra because many other builders don’t seem to have one. As I understand, it minimizes loss of oil, especially when flying inverted. Any oil,...