Class Limelight::Studio
In: lib/limelight/studio.rb
Parent: Object

A Studio creates Productions. There is only one instance of Studio per Limelight runtime. All open productions are opened and tracked by the studio.


Public Instance methods

Returns the production with the specified name. If the studio never opened a production by that name, nil will be returned.


    # File lib/limelight/studio.rb, line 20
20:     def get(name)
21:     end

Opens the production at the specified path.


    # File lib/limelight/studio.rb, line 14
14:     def open(production_path)
15:     end

Called when a production is closed to notify the studio of the event. Developers should not need to call this method.


    # File lib/limelight/studio.rb, line 35
35:     def production_closed(production)
36:     end

Returns a list of all the productions


    # File lib/limelight/studio.rb, line 40
40:     def productions
41:     end

Returns true if all of the open productions allow closing.


    # File lib/limelight/studio.rb, line 25
25:     def should_allow_shutdown
26:     end

If allowed (should_allow_shutdown), this will close all open productions and shutdown the limelight runtime.


    # File lib/limelight/studio.rb, line 30
30:     def shutdown
31:     end

Returns true if the Studio has been shutdown. ie. The procees is exiting.


    # File lib/limelight/studio.rb, line 50
50:     def shutdown?
51:     end

Returns the utilities production; a production used by limelight.


    # File lib/limelight/studio.rb, line 45
45:     def utilities_production
46:     end
