Module | Limelight::Specs::SpecHelper |
In: |
lib/limelight/specs/test_scene_opener.rb |
Limelight comes with builtin assistance for testing your productions with rspec. To get started, add the following to your describe block…
uses_limelight :scene => "my_scene"
This will add before(:each) blocks that will setup your production and load your scene before each test. It also provides some accessors to common objects like the scene and production. Afterwards, you can write tests that look like this.
it "should do something with the scene" do == "my_scene" scene.find("title").text.should == "This is the Title"["default_stage"].current_scene.should be(scene) end
There are several other options you can supply with ‘uses_limelight’:
:hidden - (true or false) Defaults to true, but if you turn it off, the scene will pop open on your screen. This can be really nifty at times and really annoying at other time.
:stage - The name of the stage you want the scene to be loaded on. The theater‘s default stage will be used by default.
:scene_name - To be used instead of the :scene option. This will create an empty scene in your production with the specified name.
:scene_path - To be used in conjunction with :scene_name. This will cause the empty scene to be loaded with the specified path. Styles and Players associated with the path will be applied to the created scene.
The ‘uses_limelight’ methods also accepts block using the Limelight::DSL::PropBuilder DSL. This is convenient for building a simple prop structure sufficient to test the desired behavior. Here‘s an example:
describe "my scene" do uses_limelight :scene_name => "some_name", :scene_path => "my_scene_path" do clicky :id => "clicky", :text => "click me", :on_mouse_clicked => "self.text = 'Hey! You clicked me!'" end it "should change text on clicky when clicked" do scene.find("clicky").mouse_clicked(nil) clicky.text.should == "Hey! You clicked me!" end end