Speclj 3.7.0
(pronounced "speckle" [spek-uhl]) A TDD/BDD framework for Clojure.
Speclj's API. It contains nothing but macros, so that it can be used in both Clojure and ClojureScript.
Public variables and functions:
- -fail
- after
- after-all
- around
- around-all
- before
- before-all
- context
- describe
- focus-context
- focus-describe
- focus-it
- it
- pending
- redefs-around
- run-specs
- should
- should-be
- should-be-a
- should-be-nil
- should-be-same
- should-contain
- should-end-with
- should-fail
- should-have-count
- should-have-invoked
- should-invoke
- should-not
- should-not-be
- should-not-be-a
- should-not-be-nil
- should-not-be-same
- should-not-contain
- should-not-end-with
- should-not-have-count
- should-not-have-invoked
- should-not-invoke
- should-not-start-with
- should-not-throw
- should-not=
- should-not==
- should-start-with
- should-throw
- should<
- should<=
- should=
- should==
- should>
- should>=
- stub
- tags
- with
- with!
- with-all
- with-all!
- with-stubs
- xit
Public variables and functions:
- *bound-by-should-invoke*
- bound-by-should-invoke?
- cause
- compiler-load
- current-date
- current-millis
- current-time
- difference-greater-than-delta?
- dynamically-invoke
- elide-level?
- endl
- error-message
- error-str
- exception
- exit
- failure-source
- failure-source-str
- file-separator
- find-platform
- format-seconds
- get-bytes
- get-name
- if-cljs
- print-stack-trace
- re?
- read-in
- seconds-format
- secs-since
- source-file-regex
- stack-trace
- throwable
- try-catch-anything
- type-name
Public variables and functions:
- all-children
- can-run?
- descriptions-with-namespaces
- do-description
- enable-focus-mode!
- filter-descriptions
- filter-focused
- focus!
- focus-characteristics!
- focus-children!
- focus-mode?
- focusable?
- focused?
- get-descriptions
- has-focus?
- nested-fns
- process-compile-error
- Runner
- scan-for-focus!
- track-focused-characteristics!
- track-focused-descriptions!